Embracing Your Identity:

  Sweet Like Jasmine, Daughter of the King


This month we are going to focus on embracing your identity.

While we don’t have a royal family in the United States of America, our media seems to be fascinated with the British Royal Family. And many young girls dream about what it would be like to be a princess. (Maybe that was you many years ago!)

But did you realize that you are the daughter of THE King? It might be hard to imagine, but it's true. There are several references in the Bible that affirm this truth, but my favorite is our theme verse for this month, John 1:12-13: 

"To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God."

I hope this truth resonates with you, and that you walk through life with grateful confidence, knowing your identity as a beloved child of God. When we receive Him and believe in His name, He gives us the right to become His child. The child of a King. (Dreams of being a princess do come true!)

This month’s Box is centered around embracing your identity. Let’s take a look…

Included In This Month’s Box of Blessings:

Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness by Bonnie Gray

Jasmine Tea Sample Teabag

Healing Water for the Soul by Lettie Cowman

Premium Christian Greeting Cards

A Worship CD

A Lovely Tote Bag

This month’s box has a retail value of $95.84